Our Mission
Bicycle Indiana makes bike riding safe* and equitable for all Hoosiers by educating bicyclists, motorists, and policymakers, and advocating for laws, policies, and infrastructure.
Who We Serve
Anyone who rides, walks, rolls, or drives.
Our Focus
Continually striving for equity and raising the bar for statewide impact in the areas of advocacy, partnerships, education, and engagement.
The Bicycle Indiana people who keep the wheels turning
Meet the Board
Dustin New
South Bend, IN
Northern Representative
Board Chair
John Weber
Richmond, IN
Eastern Representative
Kari Sears
South Bend, IN
Northern Representative
Vincent White
Fort Wayne, IN
At Large Representative
Jordan Ballinger
Westfield, IN
At Large Representative
Monica Crews
Borden, IN
Southern Representative
Jacob Boberg
Indianapolis, IN
At Large Representative
Fred Helfrich
Warsaw, IN
Northern Representative
Brian Drummy
Bloomington, IN
Southern Representative
David Heinold
La Porte, IN
Northern Representative
Stu Milligan
Richmond, IN
Eastern Representative
Margaret Barawskas
Terre Haute, IN
Executive Director

Contact Us
Bicycle Indiana is excited to announce the completion of our strategic plan for 2020-2024. Although we certainly didn’t plan for it, in hindsight 2020 was the perfect year to re-visit a strategic plan. Our board and staff, with the assistance of a facilitator from Deep End Talent Strategies, spent several months and countless meetings researching, developing, and finalizing a strategic plan for Bicycle Indiana that will be our cue sheet for the next four years and beyond.
2020 Strategic Plan​
We Educate
Knowing how to share the road, riding smart and being aware of Indiana Bicycle laws leads to riding safe.
We Promote
When you're itchin' to ride let us guide you to the best roads, the best rides and the grandest of times.

Join Now / Membership

© 2019 Bicycle Indiana, a non profit organization